Are you interested in purchasing one of my artworks?

You may have found an image that appeals to you, but don't know if it is available

Is it a painting or perhaps a drawing?
A sculpture or a relief?
Are you perhaps interested in ordering a Fine Art Print edition for your company?
You may wish to give away a portrait?

A large part of my artwork can be recreated in similar versions and in different formats
I accept orders for original work on the condition that my artistic style remains intact

The easiest way is to contact me to discuss the different options and possibilities
This can be done via email or by phone. It also works well via Facebook, Messenger or Instagram. We can also book a video call.

It is important for me to know what a potential customer wants

• Is it a TWO-THREE-DIMENSIONAL WORK, such as a painting, relief or sculpture?

• What is desired regarding TECHNIQUE, such as: acrylic painting, hybrid technique, mixed technique, relief, oil pastel. dry pastel, art print, sculpture in various designs such as plaster, wood, etc.?

• Which FORMAT is suitable, DELIVERY TIME and how should SHIPPING be handled?

• What will be the PRICE of the artwork, PAYMENT FORM and any INSURANCE?


Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Vi behöver ditt samtycke för att kunna hämta översättningarna

Vi använder en tredjepartstjänst för att översätta innehållet på webbplatsen, vilken kan samla in uppgifter om dina aktiviteter. Läs informationen i integritetspolicyn och godkänn tjänsten för att hämta översättningarna.